In a step forward on multiple fronts, I tried something new last night. After many failed attempts with a gym, with a head full of worries, and a body manifesting all of that stress, I checked out a new workout last night.
There's a Bikram Yoga studio down the street from our place. Seriously, about 100 paces away. I've stared at it for a year, heard friends tout the benefits of the practice, and yet continued to ignore it. I checked out their website on Wednesday though and saw an offer I couldn't refuse: Unlimited classes for 30 days, for $30. Um, sign me up!

So that's what I did! Even if I hated it, I justified the purchase with the fact that it would pay for itself with just 2-3 uses.
For those of you unfamiliar with the practice (I was!), it's hot yoga. HOT! Ninety minutes of yoga in a room heated to 105 degrees, and added humidity. It's Hell. It's torture. And I loved it!!! For that hour-and-a-half, I simply had to focus on myself, on my balance, on my reflection in the mirror, while I dumped out gallons of sweat. Though the mere thought of that scenario should be stress-inducing, it actually put me in a position where I couldn't think of anything other than my own physical being.
It's been a while since I simply existed "in the moment." I'm going back tonight.
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