Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas To Me!

After years of dreaming, months of debating, and weeks of researching, I finally did it.  I bought the car of my dreams!

Now, I must admit, my "dream" was quite practical and reasonable.  No luxury sports car for me.  I had always wanted a Honda CR-V.  I'd been talked out of it twice when car shopping in the past.  This time though, I was determined to get a car that I wanted, not just one that I rushed into out of necessity or settled for to avoid conflict or additional effort.  No more!

Much went into the final decision:

  1. This was the car I wanted. 
  2. I hated the car I was in.  It made an awful squealing sound that no mechanic seemed to be able to fix.  Oh, and #2 below...
  3. Honda will last forever and retain value throughout its life
  4. It fits my current needs and will also adapt to future needs (kids, namely)
  5. I can afford the payments and have fewer financial obligations at this time, which means I will be able to pay it off prior to those future responsibilities (kids, again!)
  1. I had not built up much equity in my last vehicle, mostly due to short term of ownership
  2. The car had lost much of its value due to recall ( week after purchase!  Argggh...)
  3. Though I could afford the new payment, it would still be a 30% increase from my current bill.
Thankfully, my husband supported me in my decision and we worked together to look at it from every angle.  We were confident and knowledgeable walking in, which led to happy new car owners walking out!

Even Ziggy is happy with the roomier ride and we've bought him a soft seat to protect our interior make him even more comfortable!
(Note:  This is not Ziggy, just the dog pictured on Amazon)

I love experiencing the realization of a dream and I look forward to the many years we'll enjoy with our Honda!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sweat It Out

It's the opposite of sweating the small stuff!

In a step forward on multiple fronts, I tried something new last night. After many failed attempts with a gym, with a head full of worries, and a body manifesting all of that stress, I checked out a new workout last night.

There's a Bikram Yoga studio down the street from our place. Seriously, about 100 paces away. I've stared at it for a year, heard friends tout the benefits of the practice, and yet continued to ignore it. I checked out their website on Wednesday though and saw an offer I couldn't refuse: Unlimited classes for 30 days, for $30. Um, sign me up!

So that's what I did! Even if I hated it, I justified the purchase with the fact that it would pay for itself with just 2-3 uses.

For those of you unfamiliar with the practice (I was!), it's hot yoga. HOT! Ninety minutes of yoga in a room heated to 105 degrees, and added humidity. It's Hell. It's torture. And I loved it!!! For that hour-and-a-half, I simply had to focus on myself, on my balance, on my reflection in the mirror, while I dumped out gallons of sweat. Though the mere thought of that scenario should be stress-inducing, it actually put me in a position where I couldn't think of anything other than my own physical being.

It's been a while since I simply existed "in the moment." I'm going back tonight.

Want to find out more? Check out this FAQ page:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Hole in My Tummy
(that isn't a belly button!)

Disclaimer: I really didn't expect my first post to get all "TMI" but, well, such is life!
(I'll keep the details to a minimum!)

On Monday, I had a not so fun trip to the doctor. After more than a week of excruciating stomach pain, I decided it was finally time to figure it out. We chatted, he pushed and prodded, and I walked away with a diagnosis - I have a stomach ulcer.

Now, I know that you and I just met but let me tell you this about me: I stress....a lot! Between work, home, family, and trying to find a balance, my head just gets caught up in it all. My husband is constantly trying to smooth out the worry wrinkles on my forehead!

Major changes in diet will ensue along, with some medicine. Yet, I know that this was a wake-up call and that I can either choose to apply a band-aid or to really fix the problem. Yes, Melissa, you must learn to manage your stress and worry - perhaps even reduce it!

The BRAT* diet and sludgy medicine will only take me so far - What's next....?

*Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. Bland diet for next 3 weeks. Oh, except I don't eat bananas...yuck!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

So she begins...

I'd been debating about this for a while now. Until I could center my focus, I wasn't going to start a blog. My thoughts wandered and daydreams consumed. Realizing that these are the very ideas and memories I wanted to capture, I am simply going to start--NOW!

Never have I been the girl to reign myself in or filter the flow. No matter how much perfection I crave or eloquence I yearn for, the uncensored Melissa tumbles right out.

I was no more than two-years-old when my parents discovered my fierce independent streak. Eager to reach the top shelf, solve a puzzle, or pick out an outfit, a determined plea came out as a jumbled, "Allmybyself!" No one could stop me from going at it alone, and no one could get me to slow down even long enough to get the words in order!

Though I generally try to speak a bit more clearly these days, and even add a "please" or "thank you," that independent stubborn toddler lives on. Easily discouraged but eager to try, I can often be found chasing the desires of my heart, without always consulting with my head. Many times, if you look in my eyes, they are actually pleading for a helping hand, even when I'm screaming "I'm Fine!" at the top of my lungs!

So, without further ado, welcome to my blog. I'll be writing about my passions, pitfalls, and plenty more. You'll see entries on fixing up the apartment, diet and exercise (or lack thereof!), thrifty finds, my adorable puppy dog, and whatever else pops into my head. I'm sure that even a rant or two will be included!

I hope you'll join me as I head out into cyberspace, All My By Self.