Now, I must admit, my "dream" was quite practical and reasonable. No luxury sports car for me. I had always wanted a Honda CR-V. I'd been talked out of it twice when car shopping in the past. This time though, I was determined to get a car that I wanted, not just one that I rushed into out of necessity or settled for to avoid conflict or additional effort. No more!
Much went into the final decision:
- This was the car I wanted.
- I hated the car I was in. It made an awful squealing sound that no mechanic seemed to be able to fix. Oh, and #2 below...
- Honda will last forever and retain value throughout its life
- It fits my current needs and will also adapt to future needs (kids, namely)
- I can afford the payments and have fewer financial obligations at this time, which means I will be able to pay it off prior to those future responsibilities (kids, again!)
- I had not built up much equity in my last vehicle, mostly due to short term of ownership
- The car had lost much of its value due to recall ( week after purchase! Argggh...)
- Though I could afford the new payment, it would still be a 30% increase from my current bill.
Even Ziggy is happy with the roomier ride and we've bought him a soft seat to
(Note: This is not Ziggy, just the dog pictured on Amazon)
I love experiencing the realization of a dream and I look forward to the many years we'll enjoy with our Honda!