- I should really keep on top of this more - it's been almost two weeks
- It's a shame that I'm actually writing on the day of a terrible workout. It will color my whole outlook - sorry
My TNT group runs are really fantastic. Buddy runs are great, in a small group with people I love, and on flat ground. Really, it's my favorite run of the week, always flies by, and it's fun!
This week, timing was off for me to get there on Tuesday though so I did it on my own. I had a terrific run! Found a groove and went with it. My longest route to that point (2.88 mi), my fastest times (even got in one mile under 11 mins!), and felt great doing it all. The best part? I even ran into my buddies as they were headed back in the opposite direction! So glad I got some team spirit to power me through the rest of the work out.
The Thursday night coached runs are good for me, even if they start out tough. As a Level 1, I'm working with Coach Leslie and she is just a dream. I was intimidated by her at first but she is really great to work with. Calm, patient, yet willing to push. Really, the worst part of the whole night is the 1 mile warm-up but once my body is going I'm ready to work.
I ran last Saturday at the Marina Green and even tried out the run/walk team. I'm starting to incorporate a bit of this into my training, as I'm nearly able to maintain the same pace even adding the 1 minute walk intervals (that's sad!). I really want to run the whole race but if the walks help me get through and I'm still keeping up my speed, I don't think that's a bad thing.
This Saturday...I skipped. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't drag my butt out of bed, into my shoes, and out the door. It felt good in bed - for about 20 minutes. And then the guilt and regret set in. Then I told myself I'd just do the workout later on my own. Did I? Nope. Uggghhh...
Finally got those 4 miles in today, 2 days behind. And it sucked. SUCKED! On my own, feeling negative about myself and my training, and it was just an awful run. Seriously, at one point, I sat down on the pier and threw a pity party. A temper tantrum. I became a sobbing mess. Why did I come out this morning?! What on Earth was I ever thinking for joining this team? Did I really believe I could do this?! As my sister would say, I needed a "Waaaambulance!"
I got up. Wiped up my tears and snot. Walked for a few minutes. And then I made my feet move. The run did get easier. I was glad I'd gone out. But DANG it was tough to get through.
Two things I've learned:
- Don't skip a run - especially the group runs. They're good for me, keep me on track, and I'd rather be with a group than on my own.
- Don't skip a workout - even the ones on my own! I really need to find a good cross training option and STICK TO IT!